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Join telcos, vendors, startups and investors to discover academic progress and commercial opportunities for using AI and Deep/Machine learning in telecom networks.

  • Date:7/18/2017 08:30 AM
  • Location Silicon Valley Bank Santa Clara, CA (Map)


Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY

Silicon Valley, California, Jul 2017/Meeting Recap/ Deep Learning, a segment of Artificial Intelligence where computers build models with multiple layers of non-linear analysis, is driving an explosion of services and use cases. And as we learned today, some are already applicable to telecom networks and many more are on the horizon. As Todd Hay, COO of Ople, related: just like people couldn’t imagine the global airline industry when the Wright brothers tested their plane, we cannot predict what the future of AI will look like.

Most of today’s speaker agree, along with 75 highly interested members of our ComTech Forum community (attendee list here) – we are on the edge of massive change that will take telecom and other industries along for a great ride.

As Robert Munro showed us, from media suggestions to identifying health conditions and from security to transportation, enterprises and consumers are embracing AI; even if they don’t know it!

Michael Kaplan, Senior Manager of Telco at Nvidia, traced the path from computer chess to the subliminal manifestations of Deep Learning that we all take for granted.  And while we were relieved to hear that the age of SkyNet is not quite upon us, and that some human intervention will always (at least for the foreseeable future) be required, it’s clear that the data revolution that accompanied the prevalence of smart phones has opened the door for AI.

Our panel moderated by Najeed Khan, Consulting Manager at Ericsson inCode, discussed how telcos can put deep learning to use in the network. Thanks to  John Rutherford, Principal Data Scientist at, Carlos Morales, Director of Deep Learning Systems at Intel, Graham Holt, CTO at Daitan Group and Vijay Nadkarni, VP AI at Visteon Corporation for sharing their insights.

With many in depth conversations underway during the networking break, it was tough to bring the meeting to order for the rapid fire pitches, but we were not disappointed.  Today’s startups covered topics as diverse as financial regulation and genome mapping through to mimicking how the human brain processes. Members can review their presentations, and others from today’s meeting, in the member library.

Validation – Stealth startup (Telecom Council members can check the library)

Skymind – offering a commercial grade, open source, distributed deep learning library

Invi Labs – upgraded instant messaging

 – leveraging AI to generate the best results in days, not months – managing regulatory change by curating real-time financial regulatory information

Neurala, Inc – the “anywhere brain” network software that mimics how the human brain works

With thanks to Silicon Valley Bank for hosting our meeting today, and inviting our members to enjoy

Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY