Agenda, Attendee List, & Presentation files now available to Telecom Council members in the library.

From the first connected device to a multi-layered network of sensors, analytics, AI, and visual reports, and actuators to react to decisions, connected "Things" are being deployed in industry. Together they are helping drive the 4th Wave of the Industrial Revolution, where real-time intelligence enhances productivity, cuts waste, and improves impact on the environment. Join IoT Forum members as we explore live case studies and dive into a discussion over lunch.

  • Date:9/20/2018 11:30 AM
  • Location SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA (Map)


Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY

Silicon Valley, California, Sep 22, 2018/Meeting Recap/ In September’s SRI hosted the Council’s IoT meeting on the use of connected devices in Manufacturing and Automation. At hand was the question of how does the proliferation of smart, connected devices change or improve production in factories.

The meeting included a number of startup pitches, product pitches, and a case study by IBM and Optimal+. The case dealt with how IBM’s Data Science Experience allows managers to leverage edge technology, analytics, and control elements to close the loop between factory floor, operations, and management.


Our roundtable discussion featured SRI, Kuka Robotics, and VC Comet Labs discussing various stories of how each has used the proliferation of sensors, automation, and robotics to improve production efficiency. The panelists caught moderator Derek Kerton up on their experiences with factory IT managers and technicians, saying that whether in Silicon Valley, or far afield, these professionals are fully up to date on the tech options, and are much more savvy customers than you’d expect to find in other IoT sectors, for example consumer.

As always, during our breaks, we had extensive networking at the various demo tables and at the coffee cart. Thank you to our host SRI, to our startups and speakers, and, as always, presentations are available to members on our library.  Our next IoT Forum meeting will explore Predictive Maintenance, and be sure to join us next month for TC3 Summit.

Agenda, Attendee List and Presentations are available to members in the PRESENTATION LIBRARY